What does the Des Moines film scene need?

What does the Des Moines film scene need?

Our mission is to grow the Des Moines film scene, so we need YOU to tell us what the state of that scene is. What do you like? What could be improved? What kind of things have you seen in other places that you’d like to see in Des Moines?


Please take just a few moments to complete this survey and share your thoughts with us. The information will help guide DMFS as we strive to bring more programming, educational opportunities and filmmaker support services to Des Moines. Whether you are a film fan, filmmaker or both – we want to hear from you.


These survey results will also be crucial as we continue to make our case around town, showing decision makers and financial supporters that there is a need in the Des Moines film scene that we are striving to address.


Thank you!


Take the Survey